Alright. Little vent time! Don't mind me too much... I'm 32 weeks prego and the horomones can take over and bring out the lovely woman that is also known as 'uncontrolled angry bawling psycho'. She's pretty new around here and doesn't come out often, but when she does I let her have her way for 5 minutes.
So today I was supposed to finally get to see Nic. We havent seen eachother for 7 weeks now bc of training and other stuff going on right now. I'm living an hour away from post until we get housing close to post while he is having to stay on post. Long story, complicated, but anyway that's what we are having to deal with. Anyway Nic is finally back from training and I'm half way to post to have lunch with him when I get a call from him. DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNN!!!!
"Hey beautiful. So bad news. I wont get to have lunch with you today. We are having to work through lunch to unload vehicles."
Ummm..... SERIOUSLY! I can never get upset with him because of this. He has to do what is asked/told. But man was I not to happy with the Army. You have had him everyday for 7 weeks now you needy broad! Give him to me for just a bit so we can keep this relationship going or you and I are going to have some serious issues. I agreed that you ran most of his life, being the wife and all, but the mistress needs time with him too or he starts to get frusterated with you.
So Mrs. Army... do us all a favor and play nice. Give him the weekend (4 day would be awesome!) to spend with me and you can have him back on Monday.
Mistress with her claws out
Carrie Linn
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