Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Adventures of Chunky Butt...

...Vol. 1


Ok so those that know us know he has been here for a month now. Give me a break people... I just had a kid. This is the first time I have actually picked up my computer except to put on Hulu for background noise.

SO... I know several of you have asked how it all went down. Here's the non-graphic WELCOMING adventure of Jameson Nicholas Linn... AKA Chunky Butt!

Sunday May 5th 2013

Holy cow! My back started to hurt HORRIBLY and woke me from a deep sleep. "Preterm labor I'm sure" I told myself for the 45 minutes it lasted. I didn't wake up Nic bc I was sure it was just a false alarm. Those 45 minutes stopped and not even 10 minutes later I was hit with another 25 minute round of back pain. This type of pain SUCKS! Cramps are bad, headaches are bad, this was in the middle of slamming your finger in the car door and stepping on a lego pain. I was sure it was preterm labor though and I really didn't want to go to the hospital and be told to go home bc I wasn't far enough along. That would have just made me cry and piss me off. I felt I was doing pretty good.

"Honey. I'm having contractions right now. But they aren't very long and still far enough apart. I will let you know if we need to go to hospital, but I think it may just be preterm labor." I felt I was being pretty tough. I didn't panic, stayed pretty calm, and didn't run to the hospital at the first sign of pain... go me! Nic looked at me and asked if I was sure I was ok. I said I'll let you know when I'm not ok for sure. I was having about 30 sec contractions every 7-15 minutes... still pretty all over the place

Contractions about a minute long every 5-8 minutes. The Drs say to wait until you are having 1-2 minute contractions every 5 minutes for an hour. I downloaded a contraction timer app on my phone and got to timing them.

"Honey I think we need to get to the hospital. Let me take a shower, get our stuff together and we will head there."

HERE WE GO! The contractions were about 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes long every 3-10 minutes. Talk about these things being all over and crazy. I was SURE that once we got to the hospital they were going to tell me to go home and 'relax' HAHA! Relax with this pain is BS! But I chanced it anyway so I could at least find out how far along I was dilated and get an idea of how long this escapade was going to last and how much worse it was going to get.

Waiting for the Dr. to come in and do all the oh so fun checking. I'm going to stay away from all the TMI info but I was very uncomfortably checked ("You're going to feel a lot of pressure" HOLY SHIIITAKE MUSHROOMS! I'm already in pain here Dr.!) and was told that I wasn't lined up properly yet, 80% thinned and 1cm along. Seriously... that's it. &*^&@%*# Dr. tells me to go walk for an hour and see if anything changes. Go walk for an hour! I can barely lay down for 5 minutes bc these contractions SUCK!

Walking downstairs in lobby of hospital. Luckily it was a Sunday morning and we found a long back hallway so I wouldn't keep getting asked if I was ok and strange looks. Every 2 minutes I was bending over, death gripping the guard rails, rocking my hips like I was told to do, and wishing I could just lay the heck down already. They better NOT tell me to go home or heads are going to roll!

Back up in with the Dr., getting worse and more contractions now. Dr. says "Well you are lined up now, 100% effaced, and 2cm" DONT YOU TELL ME TO GO HOME! " Lets go ahead and get you in a room." Oh bless your heart Dr.! I about jumped in his arms and gave him a hug of thanks! I do truly feel awful for those women I have heard horror stories about that get sent home 100 and a half times before they finally get to stay. Then again I have heard of women that have had contractions for several weeks before giving birth... *&^&*^$*$ that!!!

In my room. I have to say that those rooms are really nice and quite spacious! The staff so far is AMAZING! I have IV hooked up to me, a very uncomfortable and awkward catheter, and Nic sitting beside me both of us watching Discovery channel and just waiting. Well Nic was waiting... I was suffering through scale 7 pain (= to burning your hand on the stove top you didn't realize was on). Nic... lucky, butthead, love him so much though... was getting his fingers squeezed every minute or so while snoring during his nap. I know some of y'all will have some choice words for him about that! LOL

I'm starting to get to the point that I'm in tears. The contractions are every minute or so, but there is no let down of pain between them. I was starting to get to the miserable and upset part. I wasn't mad, screaming, bawling... just so uncomfortable that I wasn't really doing well. I asked if I could get any sort of drugs yet. They had to do the oh so fun check. Dear lord that is worse the farther along you get and right in the middle of a contraction! Thanks a lot! 3cm. That's it. I've barely done anything for 3 hours now and I'm in tears of pain. OH! And I can't get the beloved epidural until 4cm... &*&%&*^*!!!!!!! But I was told I can get drugs put in my IV until I'm 4cm and the man with the magic shows up.

Drugs are in the IV. HAHAHAHAHAHA That's the best way I can describe the next hour and a half while I am napping and dreaming that cartoon elephants are at war with large artillery. (This is what happens with good drugs and hearing the Discovery Channel. Nic was watching something war related. He looked at me like I was crazy when I brought up the cartoon elephants.)

Drugs are done working. I need the epidural. Like 5 minutes ago. This part is sucking bad. They come in and are trying to ask me questions all while having contractions that are bringing me to tears. They tell me it could be an hour before the man gets there with the good stuff. I'm patient as I can be when they tell me this, but lets face it I really needed those damn drugs!

THE EPIDURAL IS GOING TO BE PUT IN NOW!! :) It took less than 10 minutes for the man to get to my room, let me know how the epidural works, and what to expect while he puts it in. All I think about it the horror stories about how horribly painful its going to be. I get the numbing shot that feels as painful as getting a flu shot (which doesn't bother me at all) and then what is supposed to be the very uncomfortable and painful insert of the needle... "Ok that's it!" Seriously. That wasn't painful, wasn't a lot of pressure. Heck it wasn't anything and took, I swear, less than a minute.

I feel nothing from my stomach down. This stuff is great!

"Alright we are going to break your water and get this moving along faster." I have a feeling this is REALLY going to hurt even with the epidural. Pressure... "Breaking it now" Ok I have a catheter in why does it feel like I'm peeing like a horse on race day... in bed... awkward! And it's not just the one big leak and your done. Oh no! It gushes about every 10 minutes. Gross.

I'm going to be honest I can't remember a lot after this bc I was able to sleep through all of the contractions without even feeling them. Ladies... why do you fight an epidural? That stuff is FANTASTIC!

"Ok you are ready to push!" Wait. What? I was still enjoying my nap. I'm not ready to push bc I'm so tired... but I wasn't given a choice.


7lb 7oz 20inches
10 long fingers
10 toes on big feet
Loud cries from healthy lungs
Pure perfection :)
Love being a mommy
Carrie Linn

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