Monday, December 29, 2014

Pinterest: The 52 Week $ Saving Challenge

Alright. Here it goes. The first Pinterest challenge of the year! What better way to start the year off than saving back a few pesos for rainy days. This is not our long term saving plan, but just a way to put some $ back for whatever reason we feel we want to. Jameson's first gun, Mommy and/or Daddy's next guns. Little vacation savings. Emergency need a new tire fund. Whatever it may be.

Jameson isn't being left out either.


This is a very basic yet effective way to put a good small chunk of change away in a year. We are modifying it just a bit though. Instead of a $ amount each week (which lets face it I will forget to put $ in it unless written down or scheduled) I have decided to make it just $50 each paycheck. This way on pay day I go to the bank, get that crisp $50 and it goes into our piggy bank. It will become a priority just like paying a bill. Why $50 though. Well we get paid 2 times a month. Which makes that 26 pay periods in a year. 26 pay periods x $50 = $1,300. We would be $78 short of the above list, but I feel keeping it a single amount certain times a month will keep it on track and I wouldn't forget it. I actually have it printed out on our monthly bill schedule (If you would like to see how I have that planned out in another post feel free to let me know and I will Pinterest post that too!). I like things easy and planned when reoccurring!

Now we can't forget a little $ saving for Jameson too! We already empty our change into his piggy bank. Well ok I pick up Nic's change from around the house and put in there, and empty my wallet and car out of change when it starts getting in the way. $689 in a year for him though (not including what randomly gets thrown in there)... that's going to equal a nice little car when he turns 16, or him taking Daddy and Mommy our for a lot of ice cream. It's honestly however he feels like spending it. I have already dropped in the first 2 quarters. Cha-ching!

How many of you would are thinking about taking the 52 Week Money Challenge?!

$ saved is $ well spent
Carrie Danilla Linn

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