Thursday, August 7, 2014

God IS....

..NOT dead.

Finally saw the movie.


What an amazing movie. I will try not to give spoilers to those that have not and still want to see, but may have a minor "you see it coming from the beginning" slip up.

I have tried in my head a million times, like most/all, Christians to figure out how to tell those that don't know of God or try to discredit him how he created the universe. How he started it all. How he has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be. Time is something we measure by a year, a clock, history books... it's something that if we cant measure it we have a hard time believing and understanding it. We know the universe is so old bc of science. The hard part is telling our head that at one time there was NOTHING. NOTHING we can not grasp. How long was there NOTHING? How long did it take for NOTHING to create the world. And if there was NOTHING, how did it create the UNIVERSE?

Now don't get me wrong, I believe in science, I don't quite believe in everything in the Bible... but creation is something I can't falter on. There was NOTHING that suddenly boomed out of the middle of no where and created an extremely complex and complicated universe and everything in it perfectly...... What was in that vast space of NOTHING that created E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.? You cant take NOTHING and make something. Science says so. Yet science say the entire universe was created from NOTHING?

This is the main argument of the movie. It all comes down to how the universe was created.

So now that you are thinking, I'll get into the actual movie...

Let me tell you it was an extreme roller coaster of emotions. The first hour was cheering for the main character and being angry at most of the rest of the cast. And I mean ANGRY! I understand that some people don't believe in God or a higher being at all... fine. But the people in this movie were so hateful and rude and cruel and uncaring! It made it easy to be mad and frustrated with these characters. Even someone that was supposed to be a Christian had obviously lost sight of God and became so selfish in her ways she would lose everything in her future she had been planning for.

The professor... he's easy not to like. He tells his students that GOD IS DEAD and doesn't let them think otherwise. It's his way or you fail that section of the class. He has such a god complex that he even tells the main character "In my class I AM god!" He is rude by putting his girlfriend down, insulting her in front of his coworkers, whom do nothing about it. He talks about his freshman students like they are all idiots. He believes there is no one above him. *SPOILER ALERT* It's not because he doesn't believe in God... it's because he is so angry with God he cant see the good he does. Only the bad that happens in the world. One of the strongest points in the movie is when the main character finally realizes this and asks, no YELLS, to the professor in front of his entire class, "WHY DO YOU HATE GOD?!"

So much faith is found in this movie too though that tugs at your heart. Losing everything for God. Finding everything for God. Finding purpose. Finding hope. Finding light in the dark. That slap across the face that there is something bigger and better than you.

A son goes to visit his elder mother, who has dementia, in the nursing home and he talks about how she has undying faith. She's a wonderful person. Caring. Everything good. Then says he is a horrible mean hateful person but has everything he could ever ask for. Success, money, all the good worldly things. How could this be, he asks.

"Sin is like a jail cell except it's nice and comfy and there doesn't seem to be any need to leave. The door is wide open, until one day, it slams shut."

It slams shut.

God IS and ALWAYS will BE

Carrie Danilla Linn

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