Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Adventures of Dork Fish and Goober Butt...

... Part one.

Let's face it. Nic and are are goofy as it gets! I love it. We are constantly making eachother laugh by just stupid funny things we do on a daily basis. He calls me Dork Fish and I call him Goober Butt (He has the big butt of the two of us... so naturally he get's that name. Plus he LOVES peanuts. For y'all that don't know the South, a goober is a peanut.)

So for a fun segment of our first year (ok more like first 15 months or so... but cut me some slack people!) together I decided to post pics of our silly and fun adventures.

3D movies!!! This was our first movie together I believe. Return of the Titans maybe? We also saw the newest Ice Age in 3D! We're just a couple of big kids!

This is what happens when you let Nic into a giant toy store! I also got a giant rubber duck! :)

Oh the fun guy's night! This was moments before Keisel proposed to Rose. Erika and I are still upset that our husband's are such big bro-whores.

Jacob Culy and Nic's bromance over Memorial Day weekend BBQ. I got to play babies :)
Nic loves to fish... ALOT! Can you spot the Ranger?! He's not in a guillie suit, but pretty close to it! LOL

See what happens when you are hung over and not paying attention... You have to sit at the little kids table.

This is what happens when my husband takes me fishing with him. I go duck hunting!

See the two happy couples on the sides! Yeah we love you too Bailey and Chelsea!

Family reunion! Also Jameson 'Chunky Butt' Linn's reveal! Well we didn't know he was a he yet. But this was when we announced it to everyone that didnt already know we were pregnant.... which was almost everyone already anyway. (Nic has a big mouth!)

That's right Jameson! Stay in there for as long as you can! These people are nuts!

Girl's night! Too much fun! (Have we all forgotten our 'stripper names' yet?!)

We do mostly fun and cute pictures together... then you get us in a photo booth! I'm glad Nic isn't camera shy!
Bang Bang! Nic is proud of his gun loving wife! But I really need to get a lighter rifle for myself... and maybe a Kimber too!!! (Push present Nic.. hint hint hint)

Yeah he's a bad ass with his new toy he just camo painted himself the night before.

Damn my husband is sexy. Give him a gun and MEOW!

Our first Halloween together! Black and white was the theme! Mom was a naughty nun, and Nic was an EXTREMELY intoxicated skeleton. I was the prego drinking water and gatorade all night... Fun right!
Nic, little cousins, toy store... you get the picture.

Justin (my re-re big brother!) and Nic racing to the finish line! I bet my money on Nic.

"Dad and son" Can you tell who is Nic and who is Bobby B?!

The hat is just for effect. He is already a goofy Irish man.

Mommy-in-law is home!!! She surprised us by magically showing up in Washington while we were on vacation there. She was supposed to be in Kuwait at the time. Such a trickster!

Nic and Ly (his little pocket Asian as he calls him) getting ready to graduate from ALC.

Las Vegas baby! Fun vacation!

Surprisingly enough they weren't wearing the long green Army boot socks... But the combat boots and shorts were funny enough!

Keisel is 2 more drinks away from puking in out front yard (again), and one drink away from proposing to Rose and groping Nic.

These WERE our Christmas stockings... Them they became Nic's Christmas boots socks. Some people's husbands...
So there you have it! I know there are so many more goofy things we have done, but you can't always catch every silly moment on camera. Stay tuned for the next adventure when I introduce the new member to our crew, Chunky Butt!
Chunk Butt's pre-arivail pic!
Dork Fish Out
Carrie Linn

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