Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The world of mommyhood...

... and the lectures we get for doing it wrong.

When we get pregnant we have thoughts of the way we are going to raise our children from labor on. No drugs when in labor, breastfeeding only-and you know it will work perfect the first time, no co-sleeping... you get the idea.

Then you get hit with the BAD contraction and everything goes out the window. GET ME THE DRUGS!

Ok so I went in knowing that I would most likely take the epidural. I did 13 hours with no drugs and back labor that would make the Hulk pretty upset, I got enough of the natural labor experience. Those who say that getting an epidural takes away from the labor are just plain nuts. And good for y'all that do it without. Lets face it though, I didn't get pregnant to experience the adventure of labor, I'm here for the baby. Also after hearing the woman 3 rooms down from me SCREAMING like a banshee... I'm really glad I went for the drugs!

Co-sleeping... I told myself that Jameson would love his little rock n play sleeper and his swing so much that he would sleep like a husband in them no problem at all during the night. Then Nic got ahold of him and never put him down. LOL Just kidding honey! But really he is attached to the little cutie. Anyhoo... Jameson naps pretty well in the two... during the daytime. He likes to be snuggled at night time though. We have a little in bed co-sleeper bed for him... yeah, doesn't work. He likes his snuggles when he sleeps at night just like his dad. I swear there is nothing he does/looks like that isn't just like Nic! He got my big feet, long fingers, and he's long like me, otherwise he is Nic's mini me.

Breastfeeding was always going to be a struggle for me before Jameson even came along. I was ok with actually feeding him from the ladies, but I was more into pumping and feeding him from a bottle that way he could bond with Nic also while feeding and give me a slight break. While we were in the hospital I fed him directly and it was a struggle. He would latch on fine but when he wasn't getting a gallon of milk the second he latched he would scream at me and tell my boobs to go away. He's an aggressive eater to say the least. The day we got home from the hospital I pumped like a mad man and let Nic feed him from bottles so I could nap and recover before he went back to work. Now all you exclusive breastfeeding mommas out there are about to judge and butcher me. I didn't keep breastfeeding him. In fact I am in the process of letting my supply dry up as we speak and I have been in tears from that pain as it is. I started giving him a bit of formula bc he was eating literally every hour and as much as I love the little angel, I had to have a slight break from him and the breast pump. I am all about baby all the time, but you can't allow yourself to get lost. Plus I like being able to go pee more than once a day and possibly eat two meals a day while he is full, happy, and napping. From day one though he would get horrible belly aches that brought me to tears knowing he was so miserable. My poor boy just wasn't doing well with breast milk no matter what kind of foods I ate. I took out breast milk for one day and gave him just formula and he was the happiest baby that day. So breast milk has been nixed. Lecture me all you want mammas!! Bring it on. What I will tell you, my baby is happy and healthy. After that I don't care.

We have all been told that how we are raising our child(ren) is the wrong way and you should di it this way and/or that way. I get extremely annoyed of those people. It's my child. Yes it takes a village to raise them, but you have to have a main caretaker to make the final decision on what will/won't work for baby. Will my child ever be neglected... never! Will he eat bugs and get dirty... you bet he will! In the end though you have to learn how to take advice you want and smile and nod at the advice you don't need.

Raising a happy little boy
Carrie Linn

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