Tuesday, June 11, 2013


... isn't allowed anymore in this country.

Everyday I scroll through my Facebook feed and watch the news and get annoyed and disgusted by so many things that people are offended by. This morning I was watching about the "controversy" of Tim Tebow being outgoing about being a Christian and how it could possibly hurt his professional football career in the future. Then I read about some kid getting kicked out of school for having a "Red Friday" shirt on. Owning a gun anymore is extremely frowned upon it seems. Voting for someone white is racist. Not liking a certain leader makes also makes you racist, super conservative, and a terrorist.

When did having a opinion, lifestyle, and belief become wrong in this country?

When did it become wrong to be a white, conservative, Christian, married to your high school sweetheart?

When did it become wrong to be in the military fighting for your country and be honored when you came home whole, half, or draped under our nations colors?

When did it become wrong to believe that the Constitution is above the government?

When did it become wrong to work hard for everything you have and not demand handouts?

When did owning a gun automatically make you a criminal?

When did letting the government steal you rights become acceptable?

Now please don't get me wrong or think negatively of me. I have gay friends that I completely respect and support. If you don't like guns, that's fine with me. If you are atheist or other, it does not offend me. If you are black, tan, yellow, pale, green, purple, orange, or teal I do not judge you bc of your skin tone.

So why the heck are those that believe, practice, and live the 'traditional conservative' lifestyle seem to be judged the worst lately. I can tell you that most 'traditional conservatives' don't care if you are gay, don't like guns, don't believe in the Christian God, and/or are anti-war.

Seriously. They don't.

What we do NOT like is that if you don't like guns, ours should be taken away. You are gay so you have to throw that fact in our faces. You are atheist so we can no longer practice our religion in ANY way outside of the house of worship or privacy of our own home. You are anti-war so you automatically call our troops cold hearted, soulless, murders.

It's sad that just a few short 6 years ago when I was in high school I could take my Bible to school and read it in my free time, said the pledge of allegiance, wear pro-military clothing, had opening prayer at my graduation ceremony, gay couples could go to prom together, could wear a bright rainbow on your shirt, could talk about being religious or not religious in class together and not break out into arguments.

Six short years ago, I went to school where we weren't offended by others being different.

Six short years ago, teenagers had tolerance of each other.

Six short years ago we were not told that we were wrong because we were straight, gay, pro-gun, anti-war, patriotic, religious, atheist, conservative, or liberal.

What happened in six short years?

What happened to tolerance?

What happened to being ok with what you believe and just leaving it at that?

What happened America?
Carrie Linn

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